I have prepared the background for 2 new mandalas, each of which will depict the areas in the title above.
I have been out and about sketching here and there and am really excited about working on them.
These 2 will be numbers 32 and 33....and I hope to have them done by the end of July.
Please check every now and then for my comments as I go along, and see if you can guess what the centres of each will be.
Toronto was a place buzzing with building activity 200 years ago and it seems that it hasn' t stopped even up until this day !
Over 50 years has passed since my Girl Guide Troop # 151 spent a day along the Humber River near
Etienne Brule park. There were no cement embankments then, as hurricane Hazel hadn' t yet passed through.
We would bring a frying pan, a pork chop and a can of pork and beans in our packs.
Then our captain taught us how to build a campfire on rocks ( to be safe, of course ) and cook our food. We would tie a string to a rock and around the neck of our pop bottle and put it into the cool gurgling waters of the Humber until we were ready to drink it.
Oh, what fun we had looking for clues as we followed a path to our destination !
So, the Humber River will remain forever in my heart and memory for those wonderful perfect days
and I shall salute it deservedly in my mandala.
( By the way, The Humber is already well represented in the Weston and Etobicoke mandalas. )
For further info, please contact me at :
Dave LeBlanc, The Globe and Mail 's Architourist wrote about my mandalas in this article on
October 1, 2010 :