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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Bloor Street - Spadina to the Prince Edward Viaduct

I have been working on my Bloor Street - Prince Edward Viaduct System and will have it completed  by April 9, 2016.

It includes The ROM, The Bata Shoe Museum, The Park Paza, The Royal Conservatory of Music,
3 churches, Manulife Insurance, Varsity Stadium, Philosopher's Walk, Bemelman's, Toby's Good Eats, The Medical Building, Stollery's, Yorkville, Mr. Bloore ( who founded Yorkville and for whom Bloor Street is named after - the " e" has been dropped ).

I have include much more from the past and present.....a loom of time for you in my mandala.

Also, in process is my Willowdale mandala...hope to complete by April's end.

I have also finished 2 neighbourhood colouring books....will be announced at the end of April....a launch to be happening then